
This is Halloween: 42 Behind the Scenes and Concept Art From “The Nightmare Before Christmas” (1993)

It’s hard to believe that Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas was released 22 years ago. When I was little my dad brought home this movie for us, just because. I remember looking at the cover of the VHS tape and wondering what this strange video was going to be. It turned out to be one of the best gifts he ever brought home.

The movie holds up, not only visually, but also nostalgically, as the must watch Halloween classic. It is to Halloween as Ruldoph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty The Snowman are to Christmas.


Filmed entirely using stop motion animation, the filmmakers constructed 227 puppets to represent the characters in the movie, with Jack the Skellington having around 400 heads in order to allow the expression of almost every possible emotion.

Take a look at these behind the scenes images that will make you even more nostalgic about this Halloween classic.

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