
The Strange, Beautiful and Powerful World of Microbes

Beautiful, brutal, strange. The world of microbes is vastly diverse and nothing like you’ve ever witnessed before.

They are on us, in us, a part of us. Microbes, although invisible to the naked eye, outnumber the cells on our bodies ten to one, we are basically a walking biome of microorganisms. Although only 3% of microbes are actually harmful to humans, we tend to think of them as disease causing pathogens, but these invisible creatures play a crucial role in regulating our health.

Although they are very misunderstood, one thing is clear, microbes are fascinating. Take a look at the following video showing some insight into their mysterious world. Beautiful, brutal, strange. The world of microbes is vastly diverse and nothing like you’ve ever witnessed before.

The Strange, Beautiful and Powerful World of Microbes

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